

Legal notice

Leibnizstrasse 3
53498 Bad Breisig

Headquarter: +49 2633-429654

Represented by the Managing Director
Friedel Hacker (Dipl.-Ing.) VDI

Commercial Register Koblenz

Sales tax identification number = European VAT ID number


Dispute resolution 
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Information and data protection

General Information
All information contained herein has been compiled with the utmost care and to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless, errors cannot be completely ruled out. For this reason, TAKACAT GmbH feels compelled to point out that it can accept neither a guarantee nor legal responsibility or any liability for consequences resulting from incorrect information. The specifications of the products that TAKACAT GmbH sells and/or offers have been taken over from the respective manufacturer. TAKACAT GmbH accepts no liability for their correctness. Maximum specifications apply under optimal conditions (environment, system configuration, software, etc.). We are grateful at any time for notification of possible errors. Errors and omissions excepted.

Visitor information about this site and data protection
Each time a user accesses a page and retrieves a file, the data for that operation is stored in a log file. These data are not personal; It is therefore not possible for us to understand which user has retrieved which data. In detail the following data is recorded for each request: file name, date and time of access, transfer of the data volume, report if the call was successful. The IP address of the computer from which the request was sent is not registered. Personal user profiles can not be created. The evaluation of stored data is for statistical purposes only. A transfer of data to third parties will not take place.

The terms used are product names and / or trademarks of their respective companies. TAKACAT is a trademark of Takacat GmbH, Germany.

Image sources
Greg Sowden, David Gonzalez, Permatrim, Friedel Hacker, Remigo, Alan Uhlig

Remarks link
The district court of Hamburg decided with a judgment of 12.05.1998 that one must answer for the content of the related side if necessary by the seizure of a link. This can not be prevented - thus the LG - only by distancing itself expressly from these contents. We have links to other sites on the Internet on these pages. For all these links applies: We would like to point out that we have no influence on the design and content of linked pages. Therefore, we expressly dissociate ourselves from all contents of all linked pages of this website, including all subpages. This statement applies to all links on our home page and to all content on pages to which links or banners lead.

OS platform
In accordance with EU Regulation No. 524/2013, the European Commission has provided an interactive website (OS platform) for resolving extrajudicial disputes arising from online legal transactions. The OS platform of the European Commission can be found on this link:

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